BW90b3JvbGEgcjI2MDAgc2VydmljZSBtYW51YWwucmFybGtqaAbW9 ORDER BY 1-- OZmz
The ORDER BY clause comes after the FROM clause. The ORDER BY clause allows you to sort the result set based on one or more columns in different orders:.... SELECT AUTHOR_ID, TITLE FROM BOOK ORDER BY 1 ASC, 2 DESC ... A few databases support the SQL standard "null ordering" clause in sort specification.... SELECT * FROM a, ((SELECT * FROM b ORDER BY b.x) LIMIT 1); -- ensures that only the first row of b in the order of column b.x -- is used in the cross join.. Order the result set of a query by the specified column list and, optionally, limit ... -- Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database ORDER BY ... must be defined in the select list if the SELECT statement contains one of the.... The ORDER BY clause orders or sorts the result of a query according to the values in one or more specific columns. ... It depends on the user that, whether to order them in ascending or descending order. ... Example: SQL ORDER BY clause - Sorting on column names.
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